Corporate Responsibility

Environmental, Social & Governance Report

Click on the link below to access the Company's Environmental, Social & Governance Report.

Avation ESG Report 2023

Anti-Bribery and Anti-Corruption Policy

Avation PLC is committed to conducting business with integrity and in compliance with all applicable laws, including those prohibiting bribery and corruption. Our Anti-Bribery Policy outlines our zero-tolerance stance towards bribery in any form, whether direct or indirect. The policy applies to all employees and associated persons, emphasizing the importance of ethical conduct, transparency, and accountability in all business dealings. We provide clear guidelines on acceptable behavior, including the handling of gifts and hospitality, to ensure our operations uphold the highest ethical standards. For a complete copy of our Anti-Bribery Policy, please request it from

Whistleblowing Policy

Avation PLC's Whistleblowing Policy supports our commitment to integrity, encouraging employees and associates to report unethical behavior, including bribery and corruption, without fear of retaliation. It outlines clear procedures for raising concerns, ensuring confidentiality and protection for whistleblowers. This policy is a critical component of our governance framework, reinforcing our dedication to transparency and accountability. For more information or to access the full Whistleblowing Policy, please contact

Modern Slavery Act Statement

Click on the link below to access the Company's Modern Slavery Act Statement.

View Statement